TimePilot Definitions

Daily Timesheet

What's a Daily Timesheet?
One of the reports available to TimePilot users is the Daily Timesheet. This is a simplified report that gives supervisors a day-by-day snapshot of the hours accumulated by their employees.

To run the report, click the "Reports" Menu and choose "Daily Timesheet" from the choices that appear.

You'll get a report for each of your employees. Here is a sample of an employee's timesheet (The numbers on the screenshot are keyed to the explanation below):

Daily Timesheet screenshot

  1. The date the Daily Timesheet report was created.
  2. The name of the employee.
  3. The workweeks included.
  4. The hours accumulated between clock-ins and clock-outs. In this case, Mr. Washington would clock in at the start of work, out for lunch, back in at the end of lunch and out at the end of the day.
  5. The In/Out Total is the hours worked for each day.
  6. Vacation, Holiday and Sick time are broken out for easy viewing.