TimePilot Definitions
Extracting a Pay Period
What is extracting a pay period?
The TimePilot system will collect clock in and clock out data for months at
a time if you allow it to. As employees clock in and out, their transactions
are placed into a file called "Current Transactions." But once a
pay period is over, it's a good practice
to "extract"—or move—those transactions into a folder
of their own. There are several good reasons for doing this:
- It keeps all the transactions for one pay period in one place.
- Along with the saved transactions, it also saves all the software
settings—overtime policy, shifts, employee profiles, etc.—that were in effect
at the moment you extracted the period. This is important because
if you later make changes to your company's work policies while working in
Current Transactions, those changes
will not affect any extracted periods. For instance,
the software will prevent you from deleting an employee until that
employee's transactions have been extracted from Current Transactions. If
the software didn't do this, and you deleted an employee, you'd have
"orphan" transactions—transactions without an owner.
- It enables you to save those transactions to a CD or backup drive.
For more about extracting pay periods, click
here and
Oops! You entered the wrong dates for your pay period, and now you don't have
all your employees' clock-ins and clock-outs in the extracted pay period. No
problem. Here's how to fix it.